Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Tokyo Community

48 "Banana Fingers"

The inside of Maru Building is seen in the Marunouchi District of Tokyo in Feb. 2021.

The inside of Maru Building is seen in the Marunouchi District of Tokyo in Feb. 2021.

Matt and Michael OneTwenty go on about: Cheap n Drunk Valentines Days, AI Music Creation, Pro-Photography Tips, Human Music, Radio Maps, Tokyo Olympics and Economy and Trade. Michael drops his new track, and Matt clips a funky jam. Tune in for Japan’s lifestyle podcast. We like it here!

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Japan WUT? 47 "Kabukicho Armpit"

Matt (@MRBigelow) and Micheal OneTwenty ( discuss Race in Japan, Pro-Photography Tips, Clubhouse App booms in Japan, Co-Working Drinking Spaces, Gross Food, Intrigue and Indie Music. Tune in, like and subscribe. We like it here!

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#Podcast #Japan #Tokyo #Lifestyle

Japan WUT 47 Kabukicho Armpit S.JPG

Japan WUT? 42 "Beyond the Great Reset"

Japan WUT 42 Beyond the Great Reset.JPG

This episode looks at the book, "COVID-19: the Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab in relation to Japan and how people are moving towards a future in lockstep with their AI-driven smartphones. The book focuses on how our global civilization can be rebuilt from the bottom up with COVID in mind.

It's a new social contract. Did you sign it?

Japan WUT? 41 "Couple 9s" feat. OneTwenty

Japan WUT 41 Couple 9s OneTwenty R.JPG

After discussing the birth of Matt’s son and realizing just how many normies there are in the world, hip-hop artist and photographer OneTwenty joins the discussion to talk about making music, keeping up with the trends, balancing art with work, and a few choice Stupid Gaijins of the Week.

Shout out to Ron Reid for putting us in touch!

Find OneTwenty here: Spotify /// Instagram

Support the Japan WUT? Show here:

Japan WUT Podcast focuses on Lifestyle, Indie Music, and Tech in Japan and Asia. 


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Matt @MRBigelow

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#Tokyo #Podcast #Japan #Culture

Matt and OneTwenty

Matt and OneTwenty

Japan WUT? 40 "The Flipside" with Rory Wilmer

Japan WUT ep 40 %22The Flipside%22 with Rory Wilmer.JPG

Rory Wilmer, a Big Data Storyteller, calls in from Prague to discuss the progression of internet social networking sites and the data they collect, and the possible future applications.

Official Website:

Check out Rory's website for amazing photographs:

Japan WUT? 39 "The Tweet of Defeat" feat. Ron Reid

Japan WUT 39 The Tweet of Defeat Ron Reid R.JPG

After reviewing a strange dog product, Matt and Mike compare state-run vs. activist SJW coverage of PM Shinzo Abe Stepping down due to illness (symptoms covered in the show).

Ron Reid calls in to talk about his outreach work in Tokyo helping the homeless get back on their feet with a program called First Fruits (

We finish the show with Elon Musk's robot pigs vs. a new Japanese flying car.

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Japan WUT? 37 "AI Nuclear Artfare" feat. Saku Yanagawa (comedian)

Japan WUT 37 AI Nuclear Artfare Saku Yanagawa Comedian R.JPG

After talking about nuclear warfare, Yasukuni Shrine, AI Art and political weirdos, comedian Saku Yanagawa ( joins the show to talk about the comedy world and how the coronavirus is affecting the industry and his plans to keep going.

We finish the show with taxi drivers cleaning graves, top ten companies of 2010 and 2020, and ramen face masks.

Japan WUT? Podcast is available everywhere, especially:

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#Japan #Podcast #Comedy #Tokyo #Culture

Japan WUT 36 "Champagne Problems"

Japan WUT 36 Champagne Problems feat Peter Tasker.JPG

Matt and Mike talk about drinking in the countryside, covid stigma, and AI in the train stations.

Our guest today is part a 2 or 3 Part Exclusive with writer Peter Tasker (, a columnist who talks to us today about the situation in Hong Kong and how Japan can benefit.

Please like, subscribe, and share. I am shadowbanned on Facebook and they won't let me use their ad platforms.

★Japan WUT? iTunes:

★Japan WUT? Spotify:

★Japan WUT? Official Site:

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Japan WUT? 34 "Gossip Tacos" feat. Lee Popa

Japan WUT 34 Gossip Tacos Lee Popa Mike Rogers Tokyo rec.JPG

Welcome back!
We begin the show talking about being pissed off, euthanasia in Asia, Russian families and orchids.
Then Lee Popa — the legendary sound engineer spills the beans, or as we like to call it “Gossip Tacos” on some of the crazy stories he was involved in with Ministry, Lisa Marie Presley, Tool, and insane road stories. WHAT IS LOYALTY YOU MAY ASK? Find out here. Find out today. Find out now.
We finish with AI, tech bans, and a Stupid Gaijin of the Week.
I am shadowbanned on Facebook. Please help us out! Like, share, sub, comment, leave 5 stars — it all helps beyond the effort it takes to move one of your eager digits and make a helpful contribution.

Lee Popa is also involved with the Color Red Radio brand, which is fantastic and recommended highly for your music needs. COLOR RED RADIO YOUTUBE

Mike Rogers is host of the Mike Rogers show, which is a Japanese Indies music show played all over the world. THE MIKE ROGERS SHOW

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Matt @MRBigelow /    

★Japan WUT? iTunes:  

★Japan WUT? Spotify:  

★Japan WUT? Official Site:  

★Japan WUT? RSS:
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#Tokyo #Podcast #Japan #Culture

Japan WUT? 33 "Wireless Parenting"

Japan WUT 33 WIreless Parenting Delaina Miyazaki Mike Rogers.JPG
We begin with American business vs. Japanese business. Guess which one has more curse words? Following that: Wireless Parenting in 2020.

Then Delaina Miyazaki, the voice of Sapporo, calls in to talk about the Anything Goes Hokkaido Video Podcast (YOUTUBE LINK), and the challenges of getting projects done in the Covid 3D world. Delaina is the voice of the Hokkaido trains and has been on countless programs. We play her new song "Fade Away" as a Tokyo exclusive.

Talks about community, and music venues post-covid finish off the show.
Check out Mike Rogers show.
Check out my blog on the website about balancing your life in the current situation.


DONATE: bitcoincash:qzks8qlxrdd3usmltcs6l7m9sqmeg8czrq4pnvgcl3 

Matt @MRBigelow /    

★Japan WUT? iTunes:  

★Japan WUT? Spotify:  

★Japan WUT? Official Site:  

★Japan WUT? RSS:

We love it when you share. And Subscribe. New art every week! #Tokyo #Podcast #Japan #Culture
