Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: OneTwenty


On this installment…


… Okinawa Craft Cheese maker John Davis of calls in from the Island to talk about turning Japan’s Cheese Desert into a Cheese Paradise. You will want to click that link and look at his range of craft cheeses. English here.

Matt and OneTwenty talk about Japan going back to normal again, how COVID and Ukraine are never mentioned together, techno flash mobs, camera tip of the week and the Stupid Gaijin of the Week makes a surprising return.

Matthew Bigelow: Twitter / Facebook Page / Instagram
OneTwenty: Instagram

Japan WUT? 57

On Episode 57, OneTwenty and Matt talk about Tokyo bars and restaurants reopening (without qr codes and vax passes), election scheming and camera tips of the week. Tokyo is Back! and so are WE! Gaijins you can “Trust”!

Matt Bigelow —> Twitter / Instagram

OneTwenty —> Instagram
We interview Richard in Japan about going to all of the Book Offs in Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba prefectures.

Music guest N.E.V.R., an Okinawan-based hip-hop artist. Give him a buzz on Spotify, would ya?

54 "Son of a Bonk"


Matt and One Twenty recap the Tokyo Games going on in full swing, 5 types of gaijins, Matt’s new song, the Camera Tip of the Week, and a bevy of Stupid Gaijin of the Week stories of super dumb foreigners committing super dumb crimes.
We like it here!
Michael OneTwentry

Matt Bigelow

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Japan WUT? 41 "Couple 9s" feat. OneTwenty

Japan WUT 41 Couple 9s OneTwenty R.JPG

After discussing the birth of Matt’s son and realizing just how many normies there are in the world, hip-hop artist and photographer OneTwenty joins the discussion to talk about making music, keeping up with the trends, balancing art with work, and a few choice Stupid Gaijins of the Week.

Shout out to Ron Reid for putting us in touch!

Find OneTwenty here: Spotify /// Instagram

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Japan WUT Podcast focuses on Lifestyle, Indie Music, and Tech in Japan and Asia. 


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Matt @MRBigelow

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#Tokyo #Podcast #Japan #Culture

Matt and OneTwenty

Matt and OneTwenty
