Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Japanese News

Japan WUT? 79 "Witch Houses"



… Matt discusses how the recent “spy balloons” are leading to possible amped up Japanese defense measures, the spread of cricket powder consumption in Japan in the guise of culture, and rise of “Witch Houses” throughout the Land of the Rising Sun.

Show Notes

  1. Japan to clear way for SDF to shoot down encroaching balloons (Nikkei)

  2. Japan and Taiwan should share intel on China balloon threat (Japan Times)

  3. Japan’s ‘witch houses’ a sign of a rapidly shrinking population (The Times, archived)

For photos and additional content, go to the Official Website.

Matthew Bigelow: Website / Twitter / Facebook Page / Instagram

Mothra Tissue Box Cover

Cricket Powder Use in Japan has been UP

Crickets and UFO Confessions

Japan WUT? 44 "Rich Hosts"

Japan WUT 44 Rich Hosts r.JPG

Hip-Hop artist and photographer Michael OneTwenty (Instagram: is back in the co-hosting chair. We talk about Japanese Hosto making bank, keeping the weird from North America away from Japan, donuts as ice-cream, and the Japanese origins of the Uncanny Valley. The Robots may take our society, but they can never take our minds!

Plus music from Matt and Michael.

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Japan WUT 44 Rich Hosts S.JPG

Japan WUT? 42 "Beyond the Great Reset"

Japan WUT 42 Beyond the Great Reset.JPG

This episode looks at the book, "COVID-19: the Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab in relation to Japan and how people are moving towards a future in lockstep with their AI-driven smartphones. The book focuses on how our global civilization can be rebuilt from the bottom up with COVID in mind.

It's a new social contract. Did you sign it?

Japan WUT? 39 "The Tweet of Defeat" feat. Ron Reid

Japan WUT 39 The Tweet of Defeat Ron Reid R.JPG

After reviewing a strange dog product, Matt and Mike compare state-run vs. activist SJW coverage of PM Shinzo Abe Stepping down due to illness (symptoms covered in the show).

Ron Reid calls in to talk about his outreach work in Tokyo helping the homeless get back on their feet with a program called First Fruits (

We finish the show with Elon Musk's robot pigs vs. a new Japanese flying car.

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Japan WUT? 35 "Bad Accents"

Japan WUT 35 Bad Accents R.JPG

In this episode, Matt Bigelow and Mike Rogers deconstruct:
The suspicious Chinese seeds have reached Japan -- where are they from, really? What are the Russians like, really? Stupid Gaijin of the Week, really? Americana done better in Japan, really? Are smart cities in fact, AI spies? REALLLY?

The Japan WUT? Show is a lifestyle, art, and commentary podcast offering listeners a unique glimpse into the heart of Japan with zero insight guaranteed.


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Matt @MRBigelow /

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Japan WUT? 34 "Gossip Tacos" feat. Lee Popa

Japan WUT 34 Gossip Tacos Lee Popa Mike Rogers Tokyo rec.JPG

Welcome back!
We begin the show talking about being pissed off, euthanasia in Asia, Russian families and orchids.
Then Lee Popa — the legendary sound engineer spills the beans, or as we like to call it “Gossip Tacos” on some of the crazy stories he was involved in with Ministry, Lisa Marie Presley, Tool, and insane road stories. WHAT IS LOYALTY YOU MAY ASK? Find out here. Find out today. Find out now.
We finish with AI, tech bans, and a Stupid Gaijin of the Week.
I am shadowbanned on Facebook. Please help us out! Like, share, sub, comment, leave 5 stars — it all helps beyond the effort it takes to move one of your eager digits and make a helpful contribution.

Lee Popa is also involved with the Color Red Radio brand, which is fantastic and recommended highly for your music needs. COLOR RED RADIO YOUTUBE

Mike Rogers is host of the Mike Rogers show, which is a Japanese Indies music show played all over the world. THE MIKE ROGERS SHOW

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Matt @MRBigelow /    

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Japan WUT? 33 "Wireless Parenting"

Japan WUT 33 WIreless Parenting Delaina Miyazaki Mike Rogers.JPG
We begin with American business vs. Japanese business. Guess which one has more curse words? Following that: Wireless Parenting in 2020.

Then Delaina Miyazaki, the voice of Sapporo, calls in to talk about the Anything Goes Hokkaido Video Podcast (YOUTUBE LINK), and the challenges of getting projects done in the Covid 3D world. Delaina is the voice of the Hokkaido trains and has been on countless programs. We play her new song "Fade Away" as a Tokyo exclusive.

Talks about community, and music venues post-covid finish off the show.
Check out Mike Rogers show.
Check out my blog on the website about balancing your life in the current situation.


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Matt @MRBigelow /    

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Japan WUT? 32 "Plastic Jungle"

official art. feel free to screen shoot and share it. it’s open source.

official art. feel free to screen shoot and share it. it’s open source.

Matt and Mike discuss the atmospheric river blasting across Asia and ravaging the island of Kyushu, 5 reasons why Matt knows he's 40, and our new Plastic Jungles.

Henry Morse from calls in to talk the Dos and Donts for recording Zoom Podcasts and Meetings. He is a professional sound engineer who has been editing Zoom podcasts and we have the Good, the Bad, and Ugly for you here today. Learn how not to be “THAT GUY” in your next Zoom. Henry is available for your next audio business needs.

On the back of the Pod, News and SGOTW!

Special Note: I have been banned from Facebook Ads. I think a hater reported me. So that means we need the listeners to spread out the links, leave a like, or a reply. We are an English-based, independent operation up against the billionaires to get a piece of that algorithm. Your thumb clicking a like is akin to a rogue doctor giving a banged up athlete a steroid injection. Thanks!


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Matt @MRBigelow

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additional art. feel free to screen shoot and share it. it’s open source.

additional art. feel free to screen shoot and share it. it’s open source.

Japan WUT? Podcast 31 "Film Festival Champion" feat. Elliot Grove

Japan WUT 31 Film Festival Champion feat Elliot Grove Raindance film festival Mike Rogers.JPG

Elliot Grove is the founder of the Raindance Film Festival (, one of the top Film Festivals in the world. In this podcast he talks about spirit, drive, entrepreneurs, art, and how to shift and manage a festival in an era of unprecedented change both digitally, and pandemically. There’s also some juicy behind the scenes gossip.

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Host: Matt Bigelow /// Co-Host Mike Rogers

Guest: Elliot Grove


Japan WUT? Podcast 30 "Insta-Swass"

Japan WUT 30 Ugo Bataillard Insta-Swass.JPG

In this episode we discuss media tribes and changes in human behavior, as the Mike Rogers Show hit #1 on Twitter!

Uta Bataillard of calls in to discuss his new digital product that aims to connect Japanese delicacies to localized international markets.

On the back-end: FujiFilm Drugs, Kurt Cobain Guitar Sells, and Kimono Face Masks for ladies of the COVID night.


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Matt @MRBigelow

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Japan WUT? 29 "Color Me Red" feat. Lee Popa /// Mike Rogers

Japan WUT Podcast 29 Color Me Red with Lee Popa Mike Rogers.JPG

Lee Popa is a legend in the music business, with over 20 million albums sold under his belt! From working with Shure Microphones to Queen, Tool, John Prine and Engelbert Humperdinck (the list goes on). Lee has moved to Japan help out younger musicians launch their careers in the internet age with Color Red Studios. It's a fantastic product. Check out his studios and study what is going on at Color Red. (

Lee discusses his road warrior tales from working with the industry's top artists with high praise for some while throwing other major acts under the bus!

Solid advice for musicians looking to make it big in the internet age is also added in today’s secret sauce podcast.

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Japan WUT? 28 "Mostly Peaceful Podcast" feat. Alan Demsky, Mike Rogers

Japan WUT Podcast 28 Mostly Peaceful Podcast Demsky Mike Rogers.JPG

We welcome world famous DJ Mike Rogers (Mike Rogers Show) as co-host of the show. We discuss the Black Lives Matter protest in Tokyo, Social Media Weddings gone awry, and Japan opening up to Hong Kong refugees.

Alan Demsky is our featured guest this week. He discusses the ins and outs of English Consulting in Japan as well as being an ambient musician. His song, "Community" is featured on today's show.

Check out Demsky:

Japan WUT Podcast focuses on Lifestyle, Indie Music, and Tech in Japan and Asia.


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Matt @MRBigelow

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Japan WUT? 27 "Weapons of Mass Instruction" with Mike Marrington

Japan WUT Podcast 27 Weapons of Mass Instruction with Mike Marrington of SMAP SEKAI NO OWARI r.JPG

This week we speak to elite drummer Mike Marrington ( on his experiences supporting Japanese super-groups SMAP and SEKAI NO OWARI playing the biggest arenas in Japan, supporting the victims of the 3/11 Tsunami, and how his life has changed in the COVID Pandemic.

We have started to get Covid19 under control, but the effects will last years, if not longer. @japanwut discusses smartphone tracking measures, the (potential) Olympics cancellation, and people who try to skip on Shinkansen tickets to collect government payouts. All this plus Japanese Black Lives Matter demonstrations and more! w/music by @shamanzsounds.

Matt: @mrbigelow Tom: @boringgaijin

More Mike Marrington: YouTube / Instagram @mikemarrington

Japan WUT? Show Links


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Japan WUT? 26 "No Secret Code" with Le Wagon Code Boot Camp

Japan WUT Podcast 26 No Secret Code with Le Wagon r.JPG

5G is coming! How will Japanese life change in this new age of technology? In episode #26 of @Japanwut we talk about possible new developments when the towers go up. What can we do to keep up? We speak to Sylvain Pierre of @LeWagontokyo on bringing your coding skills up to a professional level in 9 weeks with their Japan-based courses in English. We also get into recent fundraising for our favorite music venues and how they’re progressing. All this plus Japanese twitter, Battle of the Bands, and more!
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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /


Japan WUT? 25 "Isolation Fatigues"

Japan WUT Podcast 25 Isolation Fatigues Tracy Echeverry R.JPG

On episode 25 We speak to professional whistler Tracy Echeverry the Insane Whistler (YouTube, INSTA and Actor on INTERLOCKED) on building a profile in a niche entertainment industry. We then speculate on life in Japan once the COVID19 shutdown is lifted and what to do when the big music labels don’t knock down your door.
Special Music Guest: Midnight Snakes
Co-Producer: Ron Reid (

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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /      

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Charlie Chaplin delivering Hamlet’s “To Be or Not To Be” in “A King in New York” (1957)

Charlie Chaplin delivering Hamlet’s “To Be or Not To Be” in “A King in New York” (1957)

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Japan WUT? 24 "The New Bormal"

Japan WUT 24 the New Bormal Banana Moon 2.JPG

@Japanwut has made it to episode #24! We speak to Russell Reilander and Siwoo Park of Banana Moon from South Korea about establishing themselves as a band on the small island of Jeju. We discuss how social media tries to dismiss conspiracy theories by trashing their sources. In addition, we talk about promotional strategies on twitter, lateral information flows, and gourd speakers


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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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the World’s Fattest Race Horse performing at the University of Victoria in 2005

the World’s Fattest Race Horse performing at the University of Victoria in 2005

Russ and Matt performing an acoustic show in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo 2013

Russ and Matt performing an acoustic show in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo 2013

Matt recording Drums for the World’s Fattest Race Horse album “Catch that Fever!” 2005

Matt recording Drums for the World’s Fattest Race Horse album “Catch that Fever!” 2005

Russ recording Guitar for the World’s Fattest Race Horse “Catch that Fever!” 2005

Russ recording Guitar for the World’s Fattest Race Horse “Catch that Fever!” 2005

Matt on Jeju Island in 2009

Matt on Jeju Island in 2009

Some of the AI Programs Mentioned on the Podcast.

Screen Shot 2020-05-17 at 23.46.08.png

Japan WUT? 23 "So Now WUT?" feat. Fuad from Kyoto Protocol

Japan WUT Podcast 23 so now wut fuad kyoto protocol r.JPG

With the newest episode, #23, of the @Japanwut we bring you an extended interview with the lead singer and guitarist Fuad Alhabshi from @kyotoband. He shares the secrets of taking an indie band from the local bar scene to the main stage at international music festivals, then switches gears to talk about the role Malaysia plays in the Asian economy and how Covid19 has changed it. We all learned quite a bit and you will too! Check it out!
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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

Mike Hannah, Fuad, and Matt catch Kyoto Protocol’s drummer Shan, while the GoOod Things rocks on. Photo Credit: Kyoko Obayashi, May 2016

Mike Hannah, Fuad, and Matt catch Kyoto Protocol’s drummer Shan, while the GoOod Things rocks on.
Photo Credit: Kyoko Obayashi, May 2016

Japan WUT? 22 "The Insiders Yoke"

Japan WUT Podcast 22 The Insiders Yoke R.JPG

In the latest episode of Japan WUT? Podcast with Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky #22 Tom and Matt have had just about enough of this pandemic. Food deliveries are up. Travel is down. Is a second wave coming? If so, how can we save our favorite music dive bars (and other venues like Rosso 198). We discuss how to galvanize a musical community with Mickey Acorn as well as his fundraising project for LIVE HOUSE ANGA (千葉アンガ) with Sen City Records


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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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Japan WUT 22 The Insiders Yoke.JPG

Japan WUT? 21 "FM Ruh Ruh Radio"

Japan WUT Podcast 21 FM Ruh Ruh Radio R.JPG

Episode #21 of Japan Wut? has just dropped so check it out now! After listening to some tracks By the Syamisenist and the Molice, we discuss our show’s first major shout-out. Then we speak to Mike Rogers about what goes on behind the scenes with his immensely successful Mike Rogers show and new Color Red Radio. Plus, new COVID19 acronyms, opinions on celebrity prank shows, guilty pleasure snacking, and sexist mayors.

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Japan WUT? Podcast 20 "AbeNoMaskeraid"

The 20th episode of Japan WUT? “AbeNoMaskeraid” is now available for listening and/or download.
We’re both a bit talked out on COVID19 so, after some great music by Icon Girl Pistols and RedBedRock, we instead turn to the local music scene and focus on the efforts to save some music establishments (Livehouse Anga) while lamenting the closure of others (Gamuso)

We then speak to New Jersey music producer, Joey Popa, and get his insights into how musicians in general are coping in the US. We discuss using online platforms as a way to put on shows and raise money.

All this, plus a new segment, google accents, and free hospital masks!

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Japan WUT Podcast 20 AbeNoMaskeraid.JPG
Japan WUT Podcast 20 AbeNoMaskeraid s.JPG
