Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Tokyo

Japan WUT? 50 "Welfare Media NOW!"

In Episode 50

OneTwenty ( and Matt talk about pandemic cherry blossoms, people going out after the state of emergency, chocolate ramen, songs, a restaurant chain suing the government over lockdown measures, and we begin with COVID-19 Vaccine skepticism.

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Japan WUT? 44 "Rich Hosts"

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Hip-Hop artist and photographer Michael OneTwenty (Instagram: is back in the co-hosting chair. We talk about Japanese Hosto making bank, keeping the weird from North America away from Japan, donuts as ice-cream, and the Japanese origins of the Uncanny Valley. The Robots may take our society, but they can never take our minds!

Plus music from Matt and Michael.

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Japan WUT? 42 "Beyond the Great Reset"

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This episode looks at the book, "COVID-19: the Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab in relation to Japan and how people are moving towards a future in lockstep with their AI-driven smartphones. The book focuses on how our global civilization can be rebuilt from the bottom up with COVID in mind.

It's a new social contract. Did you sign it?

Japan WUT? 39 "The Tweet of Defeat" feat. Ron Reid

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After reviewing a strange dog product, Matt and Mike compare state-run vs. activist SJW coverage of PM Shinzo Abe Stepping down due to illness (symptoms covered in the show).

Ron Reid calls in to talk about his outreach work in Tokyo helping the homeless get back on their feet with a program called First Fruits (

We finish the show with Elon Musk's robot pigs vs. a new Japanese flying car.

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Japan WUT? 37 "AI Nuclear Artfare" feat. Saku Yanagawa (comedian)

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After talking about nuclear warfare, Yasukuni Shrine, AI Art and political weirdos, comedian Saku Yanagawa ( joins the show to talk about the comedy world and how the coronavirus is affecting the industry and his plans to keep going.

We finish the show with taxi drivers cleaning graves, top ten companies of 2010 and 2020, and ramen face masks.

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#Japan #Podcast #Comedy #Tokyo #Culture

Japan WUT? 22 "The Insiders Yoke"

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In the latest episode of Japan WUT? Podcast with Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky #22 Tom and Matt have had just about enough of this pandemic. Food deliveries are up. Travel is down. Is a second wave coming? If so, how can we save our favorite music dive bars (and other venues like Rosso 198). We discuss how to galvanize a musical community with Mickey Acorn as well as his fundraising project for LIVE HOUSE ANGA (千葉アンガ) with Sen City Records


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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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Japan WUT 22 The Insiders Yoke.JPG

Japan WUT? Podcast 20 "AbeNoMaskeraid"

The 20th episode of Japan WUT? “AbeNoMaskeraid” is now available for listening and/or download.
We’re both a bit talked out on COVID19 so, after some great music by Icon Girl Pistols and RedBedRock, we instead turn to the local music scene and focus on the efforts to save some music establishments (Livehouse Anga) while lamenting the closure of others (Gamuso)

We then speak to New Jersey music producer, Joey Popa, and get his insights into how musicians in general are coping in the US. We discuss using online platforms as a way to put on shows and raise money.

All this, plus a new segment, google accents, and free hospital masks!

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Japan WUT Podcast 20 AbeNoMaskeraid s.JPG

Japan WUT? 18 "Corona Why-Us?"


We begin by playing songs by "Slow Wolves Club" and "LifeGarden", then discuss alternative terminology to "Social Distancing". We then review contaminated Corona testing kits in the supply chain. Justin Sachs from More than Music ( calls in to discuss pivoting his business plan during a lockdown on fun. We then play music by Tokyo Sapiens, and discuss an AI to predict Corona's Wet Lung, Giant Pigs, and a very lucky Foolish Foreigner.



Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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Japan WUT? Podcast Corona Why-Us.JPG

Japan WUT? 17 "Hanami SHNANAMI!"

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Cherry Blossoms Canceled! Is the CoronaVirus Part of the Flat Earth Movement with the Big Discus Corporations Acting as Rogue Agents of the IOC to Cancel the Olympics?!?!?!

Guest Jon Heese calls in to discuss the inside baseball of his Political Career as a Foreigner in Japanese Government and how the Government is Dealing with COVID-19/Wuhan Flu. Read More About Jon here: “If you ever wanted to know how you too can become a politician”

We end the show by discussing what musicians can do to spice up their online concerts, and some of the real numbers behind the CoronaVirus Deaths -- it's not as scary as you think, but take the appropriate precautions.


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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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Japan WUT? 16 "Boomer Lamps"

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Boomers and their boomer lamps. Is the Wuhan Flu a Psy-Op? Japanese Olympics Representatives Get COVID-19 in Amsterdam (wink wink). Cherry Blossoms CANCELLED AFTER being DECLARED. A new song by Ryan Boiselle( Using Coronavirus Downtime to study new music promotion on social platforms. Doing Commercials on the fly. PLUS A HOT AIR BALLOON!


DONATE: bitcoincash:qzks8qlxrdd3usmltcs6l7m9sqmeg8czrq4pnvgcl3

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /

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Japan WUT? 14 "Toilet Paper Pandemania 2020"

Japan WUT 14 Toilet Paper Pandemania 2020.png

Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. Keeping Corona Free, Indeed! Like, Subscribe, and Leave a Comment お願いします。 Matt talks about making money while not working, Tom plays a Molice song with a big hangover. Andrew Holtby of "Off Beat Photography" (Link) calls in to talk about hosting music sessions in Tokyo. So what is made in Wuhan, China, the center of the CoronaVirus rocking the world? We did the research and the amount is shocking. To end the show we play "Criminal or Not Criminal" with a bicycle man.

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin / 


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Japan WUT? 13 "Just Bangin"

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Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. We discuss how the Corona Virus is impacting the music scene and logistics. Professional Pianist Evan Wish ( calls in from Los Angelas to talk about going from Canadian dirtbiker to being an LA pro musician, as well as how the Corona Virus is affecting his Japan Tour. Other topics included drinking, toys, and a Laudromat that has its own app for the IoT Japan Society 5.0.


DONATE: bitcoincash:qzks8qlxrdd3usmltcs6l7m9sqmeg8czrq4pnvgcl3

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin / Tibetan Sky:

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Japan WUT? 12 "Community Dictator"

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Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. What to do with passive aggressive pedestrians peddling power moves? What about establishing a Circuit of Clubs for gaijins to tour? What is the band "Tibetan Sky" (call in from Alex from "Tibetan Sky")? What are some of the hottest upcoming shows? What did Professor Kentaro Iwata have to say about the Diamond Princess? How did the government respond? How do you keep safe? WE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS! We are Japan's number 1 podcast. Lifestyle, Art, Community, Music, and Technology. Zero Insight. Guaranteed. DONATE: DONATE: bitcoincash:qzks8qlxrdd3usmltcs6l7m9sqmeg8czrq4pnvgcl3

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin / Tibetan Sky:

Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky Hosts of the Japan WUT? Podcast

Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky Hosts of the Japan WUT? Podcast

Japan WUT? 10 "Market Interface"

photo taken at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo, Japan (Photo Design by Matt Bigelow)

photo taken at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo, Japan (Photo Design by Matt Bigelow)

Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. We discuss one-lunger blues musicians of 2020, Markets as Interface, What do Music Venues Expect of Musicians, Japan Society 5.0 and AI News, Foreign Crime in Japan, and follow up with a singer getting her first band together.


Tom @boringgaijin

Matt @MRBigelow

Some images from the Japanese Government about their “Society 5.0” Plan

Screenshot of ad sent to me on Facebook. What do they think I want? Do I want it? Maybe I do, but I would never wear such a thing.

Screenshot of ad sent to me on Facebook. What do they think I want? Do I want it? Maybe I do, but I would never wear such a thing.

Assembly, over.

Assembly, over.

Japan WUT? 007 -- "This Tuna Rocks"

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007 — “This Tuna Rocks” with Mike Hannah of the Goood Things!
We discuss Influenza, Cold Pizza, AI Art, Live Venue “Crossing” at Shin-Daita. Mike Hannah of “The Goood Things” calls in to unpack the meaning of being a singer. Other topics include Music Promotion on Social Media, Aging Society, Million Dollar Tuna, North Korean Boats, and Stupid Gaijin of the Week!

Matt @MRBigelow Tom @boringgaijin

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Japan WUT? 006 | "IP Genetic Freely"

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We talk about the inner workings of Japan from a foreigner’s perspective with zero insight guaranteed. We review Wagyu Beef and the genetic laws to protect it. Plus the ups and downs of Government mandated fun, the band The Molice get played, Takashi Umemiya gets played, and, an AI music creator gets played. Finally, we discuss Carlos Ghosn -- fool or mastermind?

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Japan WUT? 5 | Holiday Fatty

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We talk about the inner-workings of Japan from a Foreigner's Perspective with Zero Insight.

Matt and Tom discuss the Christmas and the Year End in Japan. Then Utkarsh from Lil Uttu Skype's in to talk about working in an Indian startup while trying to promote his music in Japan. After that, a Conference for those that want to be left alone, and we end the show with some music news. Remember: The weight you gain this holiday season is done by your hand alone.

Matt is @MRBigelow

Tom is @boringgaijin

Find Utkarsh here:

3 | Do You Need a Music Video?

Matt and Tom discuss Year End Parties, Free Money, How Music Projects Start, Music Videos in 2019, and Foolish Foreign Crime.
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The Japan WUT? Podcast is based in Japan. We like it here.

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Japan WUT? Podcast 1 "Four Seasons"

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In our debut episode, we discuss Japan as it enters into its new Reiwa Era. Topics: Publishing, Music in the smartphone age, and is Japan hyper-normal?
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