Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Matt Bigelow

48 "Banana Fingers"

The inside of Maru Building is seen in the Marunouchi District of Tokyo in Feb. 2021.

The inside of Maru Building is seen in the Marunouchi District of Tokyo in Feb. 2021.

Matt and Michael OneTwenty go on about: Cheap n Drunk Valentines Days, AI Music Creation, Pro-Photography Tips, Human Music, Radio Maps, Tokyo Olympics and Economy and Trade. Michael drops his new track, and Matt clips a funky jam. Tune in for Japan’s lifestyle podcast. We like it here!

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Japan WUT? 47 "Kabukicho Armpit"

Matt (@MRBigelow) and Micheal OneTwenty ( discuss Race in Japan, Pro-Photography Tips, Clubhouse App booms in Japan, Co-Working Drinking Spaces, Gross Food, Intrigue and Indie Music. Tune in, like and subscribe. We like it here!

★Japan WUT? iTunes:

★Japan WUT? Spotify:

★Japan WUT? Official Site:

★Japan WUT? RSS:

#Podcast #Japan #Tokyo #Lifestyle

Japan WUT 47 Kabukicho Armpit S.JPG

Japan WUT? 38 "Salaryman Capitalism" feat. author Michael Howard

Japan WUT 38 Salaryman Capitalism Michael Howard the salaryman R.JPG

Foreign perspectives in Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed.

We have a great show for you today.

Michael Howard, author of manga-themed The Salaryman ( ) calls into the show to talk about his experiences working in Japan Inc. and the book that those experiences are based on.

Mike and Matt cover bullshit languages, Tokyo Aliens, and Surveillance Capitalism that is creeping into our daily lives as a means to protect us from COVID.
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#Japan #Podcast #HongKong #ArtificialIntelligence

Japan WUT? 14 "Toilet Paper Pandemania 2020"

Japan WUT 14 Toilet Paper Pandemania 2020.png

Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. Keeping Corona Free, Indeed! Like, Subscribe, and Leave a Comment お願いします。 Matt talks about making money while not working, Tom plays a Molice song with a big hangover. Andrew Holtby of "Off Beat Photography" (Link) calls in to talk about hosting music sessions in Tokyo. So what is made in Wuhan, China, the center of the CoronaVirus rocking the world? We did the research and the amount is shocking. To end the show we play "Criminal or Not Criminal" with a bicycle man.

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin / 


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We love it when you share. And Subscribe. New art every week! #Tokyo #Podcast #Japan #Culture

Matt and Tom 1.JPG

Japan WUT? 12 "Community Dictator"

Japan WUT 12 Community Dictator R.JPG

Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. What to do with passive aggressive pedestrians peddling power moves? What about establishing a Circuit of Clubs for gaijins to tour? What is the band "Tibetan Sky" (call in from Alex from "Tibetan Sky")? What are some of the hottest upcoming shows? What did Professor Kentaro Iwata have to say about the Diamond Princess? How did the government respond? How do you keep safe? WE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS! We are Japan's number 1 podcast. Lifestyle, Art, Community, Music, and Technology. Zero Insight. Guaranteed. DONATE: DONATE: bitcoincash:qzks8qlxrdd3usmltcs6l7m9sqmeg8czrq4pnvgcl3

Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin / Tibetan Sky:

Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky Hosts of the Japan WUT? Podcast

Matt Bigelow & Tom Melesky Hosts of the Japan WUT? Podcast
