Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Tokyo AI

Japan Wut 138 "AI Drone Swarm"

Japan Wut 126 "AI Davos Robots"

Japan Wut 109 "AI Highways"



… We cover Kyoto’s retro toothbrush vending machines, Japan’s plans to build highways for self-driving cars, and the US’s aim to expand Space Force in Japan amid China’s and Russia’s implementation of advanced radar systems equipped with AI post-processing capabilities.

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Show Notes






Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

Advances in Threat Sensors and Post-Processing Capabilities 

Russian and Chinese IADS include networks of ground-based, airborne, maritime, and space-based multi-phenomenology sensor and communication systems that improve the range, density, and sophistication of their surveillance operations. Advances in sensor resolution, post-processing power, data storage capacity, and fusing information from sensors in multiple domains have improved their ability to locate, track, and engage airborne threats.

Both Russia and China exploit the strategic depth of their home territory to create sensor and communication networks that enable them to engage U.S. forces before they can do the same.

 Operating from their own territory reduces constraints on the size, weight, and power generation capabilities of their sensor networks compared to U.S. sensor networks that must deploy to a fight. Taking advantage of their recent successful gray zone operations, Russia is deploying sensors and weapons in Crimea, and China has deployed sensors and weapons on islands it has occupied or created in the South China Sea.

 Both are simultaneously pursuing a variety of early warning and control aircraft, UAS, aerostats, and balloons that will better detect low-altitude airborne targets at standoff distances.

Advanced digital signal processing and the introduction of active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar technologies have significantly improved the detection range and resolution of Chinese and Russian radars that operate in lower frequency bands.

 Combined with passive sensors and other technologies discussed below, radars that operate in lower frequency bands could improve China and Russia’s ability to detect some low-observable aircraft designs.

 Due to their poor resolution and other limitations, earlier generation low-frequency radars could not develop target quality tracks. However, advances in signal processing have enabled pulse compression techniques that improve the range resolution of low-frequency radars, and the introduction of AESA technologies have improved their directional resolution.

The Future Conflict Operating Environment Out to 2030

Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies

Many such exotic detection technologies – such as wake-vortex tracking, quantum radar, three-dimensional  metre-  and  decimetre-wavelength  AESA  radars  and  LEO  infra-red scan-and-track techniques – have serious limitations when used as primary sensors as they have limited capacity to generate target-grade weapon cueing data. However, they offer advantages in detecting threats which are difficult to track using standard X- and Ku-band radars and can be extremely useful for cueing in other higher-resolution sensors if adequately integrated into a common  system  or  picture.


Japan WUT 101 "Creepy Weirdo Follower"



… Matt and discusses the Japanese battle between decentralized and centralized currencies, robots in restaurants, and masked teens serving up bugs for their elders. It’s weird times, man — and not just Japan. We are all weird now. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

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Japan in Japan



"Turmoil at Hospital with '100' Kurdish Individuals, Emergency Acceptance Suspended for 5.5 Hours - Saitama, Kawaguchi"

This story took place on July 4. 

At the beginning of this month in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, approximately 100 members of Turkey's ethnic minority group, the Kurds, flocked to the vicinity of a hospital, causing a commotion that led to the deployment of the prefectural police riot squad. As a result, the acceptance of emergency cases was suspended for about 5.5 hours on the 30th. Kawaguchi City is the municipality with the largest foreign resident population in Japan, and it serves as the largest Kurdish settlement in the country.

At 9:00 PM, approximately 100 foreigners began gathering around the "Kawaguchi Municipal Medical Center," a comprehensive hospital in the city. All of them were believed to be Kurdish individuals with Turkish nationality, and the commotion continued until around 1:00 AM on the 5th.

The trigger for the incident was believed to be a dispute involving a woman. At around 8:30 PM on the 4th, a man in his 20s with Turkish nationality was attacked and cut with a knife by several other men of Turkish nationality on a street in the city. Subsequently, relatives and acquaintances from both sides gathered at the hospital upon hearing about the emergency transportation of the injured man. They reportedly attempted to force open the entrance door of the hospital's emergency department and raised their voices. In response to the disturbance, the hospital notified the police and subsequently suspended the acceptance of emergency cases. During this time, there were a total of 21 emergency transports within the three cities. Among them, there was one case of "emergency transport difficulty" where the destination took more than 30 minutes to decide. Fortunately, there were no life-threatening incidents during this period.

A male resident (48) said, "A young Kurdish man, about 2 meters tall, was shouting in broken Japanese, 'My relative got stabbed.' Cars kept gathering on the road in front of the hospital."

Kawaguchi City, with a population of approximately 600,000, has around 39,000 foreign residents, accounting for 6.5% of the population.

Many Turkish Kurdish individuals in Japan have applied for refugee status, citing discrimination and persecution in their home country as reasons for seeking asylum. However, very few of them have been granted refugee status, and a considerable number of them remain in an undocumented status, living as undocumented immigrants in Japan.

Around JR Warabi Station, which is adjacent to Kawaguchi City, a significant community of Kurdish residents has formed, with various Middle Eastern restaurants and grocery stores scattered throughout the area. This region is referred to as "Warabistan."


Insect food How does it taste? Seven kinds of stalls, including skewers of large crickets, limited to Shizuoka

On the 28th, an insect food stall opened at the Jeans Shop Osada Higashi-Shizuoka store in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City. It is a three-day limited event until the 30th. The specialty shop "MUSHI-YA (ムシヤ) TOKYOueno," which has a store in Tokyo, has opened its first shop in the prefecture, offering seven menu items including meals and drinks.

One of the signature dishes, "Savory Stir-Fried Two-Horned Grasshopper," is known for its aromatic flavor obtained by roasting the grasshoppers. Raised on edamame beans, it carries a subtle hint of edamame flavor in the aftertaste. The "Tagame Cider" utilizes extracted components from stag beetles, offering a fruity aroma derived from pheromones. Two-year-old Harayama Chiko-chan from Suruga Ward tried the "Grilled Giant Cricket Skewer" and, while surprised by its appearance, expressed satisfaction with its taste, saying it was delicious.

The stall also advises caution for people with food allergies, as the prepared insect food has components similar to crustaceans such as shrimp and crab.

By Taichi Kawata.


To popularize eating insects Saijo agricultural students hold study session in Hatsukaichi


A study session was held in Hatsukaichi City by high school students working to popularize insect food, which is attracting attention as a new source of nutrition to solve the world's food shortages.

About 40 citizens participated in this study session, which was held for the first time at a meeting place in Hatsukaichi City. rice field.

The students explained that crickets are highly nutritious and inexpensive to grow, so they are expected to be a food ingredient that can solve the world's food shortages.

On top of that, he introduced that he is breeding crickets at school, and that he is currently raising about 10,000 crickets, and that he is developing various recipes to spread cricket cuisine.

After that, when the participants and the participants made and tasted curry bread with cricket powder, okonomiyaki, and deep-fried crickets, they said, "It's delicious."

A woman in her 80s who participated said, "I'm very happy that young people think about things that we don't think about, and I think it's a good initiative."

A third-year student at Saijo Agricultural High School said, "I want people to have a good image of crickets by listening to our stories and actually eating them."



Japan Wut 97 "Eye Care, I Care"



… Matt discusses Wagyu Beef vending machines, potential phony Chinese car sales, and helpful advances in AI and drone technology being developed in Japan.

For photos and additional content, go to the Official Website.

Follow Matthew Bigelow: Twitter / Facebook Page / Instagram

Photos Related to Show 97

China Show’s video on potential EV “Dumping”

Japan Wut 94 "Gaijin Yakitori"



… Matt offers advice on gift giving for adults with kids, breaks down the AI industry of investing billions for dumb consumer products loaded with surveillance tech, and discusses a Japanese Parliamentarian who wants to know if his spiraling health condition has anything to do with being triple jabbed.

For photos and additional content, go to the Official Website.

Follow Matthew Bigelow: Twitter / Facebook Page / Instagram

Photos Related to Ep. 94

Photos: 1 and 2. New robot in Japan; 3. Japanese politician worried about health and vaccines; 4 and 5. Train-shaped cutlery; 6 and 7. Cocktail designed to not watch smartphone.

Japan WUT? 47 "Kabukicho Armpit"

Matt (@MRBigelow) and Micheal OneTwenty ( discuss Race in Japan, Pro-Photography Tips, Clubhouse App booms in Japan, Co-Working Drinking Spaces, Gross Food, Intrigue and Indie Music. Tune in, like and subscribe. We like it here!

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#Podcast #Japan #Tokyo #Lifestyle

Japan WUT 47 Kabukicho Armpit S.JPG

Japan WUT? 42 "Beyond the Great Reset"

Japan WUT 42 Beyond the Great Reset.JPG

This episode looks at the book, "COVID-19: the Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab in relation to Japan and how people are moving towards a future in lockstep with their AI-driven smartphones. The book focuses on how our global civilization can be rebuilt from the bottom up with COVID in mind.

It's a new social contract. Did you sign it?

Japan WUT? 39 "The Tweet of Defeat" feat. Ron Reid

Japan WUT 39 The Tweet of Defeat Ron Reid R.JPG

After reviewing a strange dog product, Matt and Mike compare state-run vs. activist SJW coverage of PM Shinzo Abe Stepping down due to illness (symptoms covered in the show).

Ron Reid calls in to talk about his outreach work in Tokyo helping the homeless get back on their feet with a program called First Fruits (

We finish the show with Elon Musk's robot pigs vs. a new Japanese flying car.

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Japan WUT? 38 "Salaryman Capitalism" feat. author Michael Howard

Japan WUT 38 Salaryman Capitalism Michael Howard the salaryman R.JPG

Foreign perspectives in Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed.

We have a great show for you today.

Michael Howard, author of manga-themed The Salaryman ( ) calls into the show to talk about his experiences working in Japan Inc. and the book that those experiences are based on.

Mike and Matt cover bullshit languages, Tokyo Aliens, and Surveillance Capitalism that is creeping into our daily lives as a means to protect us from COVID.
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#Japan #Podcast #HongKong #ArtificialIntelligence

Japan WUT? 37 "AI Nuclear Artfare" feat. Saku Yanagawa (comedian)

Japan WUT 37 AI Nuclear Artfare Saku Yanagawa Comedian R.JPG

After talking about nuclear warfare, Yasukuni Shrine, AI Art and political weirdos, comedian Saku Yanagawa ( joins the show to talk about the comedy world and how the coronavirus is affecting the industry and his plans to keep going.

We finish the show with taxi drivers cleaning graves, top ten companies of 2010 and 2020, and ramen face masks.

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Japan WUT 36 "Champagne Problems"

Japan WUT 36 Champagne Problems feat Peter Tasker.JPG

Matt and Mike talk about drinking in the countryside, covid stigma, and AI in the train stations.

Our guest today is part a 2 or 3 Part Exclusive with writer Peter Tasker (, a columnist who talks to us today about the situation in Hong Kong and how Japan can benefit.

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Japan WUT? 35 "Bad Accents"

Japan WUT 35 Bad Accents R.JPG

In this episode, Matt Bigelow and Mike Rogers deconstruct:
The suspicious Chinese seeds have reached Japan -- where are they from, really? What are the Russians like, really? Stupid Gaijin of the Week, really? Americana done better in Japan, really? Are smart cities in fact, AI spies? REALLLY?

The Japan WUT? Show is a lifestyle, art, and commentary podcast offering listeners a unique glimpse into the heart of Japan with zero insight guaranteed.


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Japan WUT? 34 "Gossip Tacos" feat. Lee Popa

Japan WUT 34 Gossip Tacos Lee Popa Mike Rogers Tokyo rec.JPG

Welcome back!
We begin the show talking about being pissed off, euthanasia in Asia, Russian families and orchids.
Then Lee Popa — the legendary sound engineer spills the beans, or as we like to call it “Gossip Tacos” on some of the crazy stories he was involved in with Ministry, Lisa Marie Presley, Tool, and insane road stories. WHAT IS LOYALTY YOU MAY ASK? Find out here. Find out today. Find out now.
We finish with AI, tech bans, and a Stupid Gaijin of the Week.
I am shadowbanned on Facebook. Please help us out! Like, share, sub, comment, leave 5 stars — it all helps beyond the effort it takes to move one of your eager digits and make a helpful contribution.

Lee Popa is also involved with the Color Red Radio brand, which is fantastic and recommended highly for your music needs. COLOR RED RADIO YOUTUBE

Mike Rogers is host of the Mike Rogers show, which is a Japanese Indies music show played all over the world. THE MIKE ROGERS SHOW

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Japan WUT? 33 "Wireless Parenting"

Japan WUT 33 WIreless Parenting Delaina Miyazaki Mike Rogers.JPG
We begin with American business vs. Japanese business. Guess which one has more curse words? Following that: Wireless Parenting in 2020.

Then Delaina Miyazaki, the voice of Sapporo, calls in to talk about the Anything Goes Hokkaido Video Podcast (YOUTUBE LINK), and the challenges of getting projects done in the Covid 3D world. Delaina is the voice of the Hokkaido trains and has been on countless programs. We play her new song "Fade Away" as a Tokyo exclusive.

Talks about community, and music venues post-covid finish off the show.
Check out Mike Rogers show.
Check out my blog on the website about balancing your life in the current situation.


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Japan WUT? Podcast 30 "Insta-Swass"

Japan WUT 30 Ugo Bataillard Insta-Swass.JPG

In this episode we discuss media tribes and changes in human behavior, as the Mike Rogers Show hit #1 on Twitter!

Uta Bataillard of calls in to discuss his new digital product that aims to connect Japanese delicacies to localized international markets.

On the back-end: FujiFilm Drugs, Kurt Cobain Guitar Sells, and Kimono Face Masks for ladies of the COVID night.


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Matt @MRBigelow

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Japan WUT? 28 "Mostly Peaceful Podcast" feat. Alan Demsky, Mike Rogers

Japan WUT Podcast 28 Mostly Peaceful Podcast Demsky Mike Rogers.JPG

We welcome world famous DJ Mike Rogers (Mike Rogers Show) as co-host of the show. We discuss the Black Lives Matter protest in Tokyo, Social Media Weddings gone awry, and Japan opening up to Hong Kong refugees.

Alan Demsky is our featured guest this week. He discusses the ins and outs of English Consulting in Japan as well as being an ambient musician. His song, "Community" is featured on today's show.

Check out Demsky:

Japan WUT Podcast focuses on Lifestyle, Indie Music, and Tech in Japan and Asia.


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Matt @MRBigelow

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Japan WUT? 27 "Weapons of Mass Instruction" with Mike Marrington

Japan WUT Podcast 27 Weapons of Mass Instruction with Mike Marrington of SMAP SEKAI NO OWARI r.JPG

This week we speak to elite drummer Mike Marrington ( on his experiences supporting Japanese super-groups SMAP and SEKAI NO OWARI playing the biggest arenas in Japan, supporting the victims of the 3/11 Tsunami, and how his life has changed in the COVID Pandemic.

We have started to get Covid19 under control, but the effects will last years, if not longer. @japanwut discusses smartphone tracking measures, the (potential) Olympics cancellation, and people who try to skip on Shinkansen tickets to collect government payouts. All this plus Japanese Black Lives Matter demonstrations and more! w/music by @shamanzsounds.

Matt: @mrbigelow Tom: @boringgaijin

More Mike Marrington: YouTube / Instagram @mikemarrington

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