Japan WUT? 26 "No Secret Code" with Le Wagon Code Boot Camp
5G is coming! How will Japanese life change in this new age of technology? In episode #26 of @Japanwut we talk about possible new developments when the towers go up. What can we do to keep up? We speak to Sylvain Pierre of @LeWagontokyo on bringing your coding skills up to a professional level in 9 weeks with their Japan-based courses in English. We also get into recent fundraising for our favorite music venues and how they’re progressing. All this plus Japanese twitter, Battle of the Bands, and more!
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★Get it Official Site: http://www.matthewpmbigelow.com/japan-wut-podcast/2020/5/31/japan-wut-26-learn-to-code-with-le-wagon-code-boot-camp
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Matt @MRBigelow / Tom @boringgaijin /