Finding Optimists
Joe Rogan announced he is moving to Spotify, sending its share value up 11%, roughly 4 billion USD. Scott Adams showed us how the rules change based on an opaque business model in an interesting video with a detailed chart HERE.
I have been thinking that having everyone on 1 platform with mysterious management has been a horrible experience. Moving to smaller platforms with a community that doesn't live in fear of harassment and demonetization will become more popular in the future. Facebook tried it with groups, but there is always the specter of abuse and AI surveillance blocking content and selling personal info. That's why I have a website I am also looking for similar minded people who value open dialogue, art, music, and looking to bring other people UP instead of trying to smear other people DOWN. By looking UP and bringing people UP with you in a focused group, we can all achieve great things.
Facebook has a tendency to make us into normies while pretending to be edgy. I have always liked motivated freaks and try to align myself with them because they are where the culture lives. The Beatles were freaks. The Doors were freaks, possibly infiltrated by CIA mind control. Queen were real freaks. All of these freaks are normal today and people don't bat an eye. But if you tried to be a freak like them and push the cultural envelope on a platform like Facebook, you would be demolished by hordes of nanny-staters and the nanny state that exists within Facebook itself. So that's why in the next few years a lot of very creative and motivated people will be moving, and have been moving, to online services that exist behind a paywall.
This will continue.
Spotify is a huge company, but other sites like will start to pop up, and while they will not have billions of MAUs, they will have a group of dedicated users that will also participate in the production of the product creating a true interactive experience without the threat of AI censorship. This makes me undeniably optimistic that there will be considerable cultural forces to weigh against these ever-increasing platforms that are super convenient but use that convenience to hide behind a doubling of ever-increasing opaque surveillance mixed with algorithms designed to keep us all in a normie frame of mind.
The big platforms will be there, but the culture is moving out. Mark Zuckerberg started out as our friend, then as a CEO, and has now moved into privatized censorship tsar. If you move with Zuckerberg, you too can become a censorshipper. Or if you move with motivated freaks, you have a great time making cool shit while laughing your balls off.