Matt Bigelow

music, podcasts, and recordings from tokyo

Podcasts and self-produced music from Tokyo. AI trends from Tokyo, Asia News Analysis, Odd Japanese Items, and documenting the rising conflict in the Indo-Pacific region.

Filtering by Tag: Tesla Motors Japan

Japan WUT? 10 "Market Interface"

photo taken at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo, Japan (Photo Design by Matt Bigelow)

photo taken at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo, Japan (Photo Design by Matt Bigelow)

Foreigner Perspective on Japan with Zero Insight. Guaranteed. We discuss one-lunger blues musicians of 2020, Markets as Interface, What do Music Venues Expect of Musicians, Japan Society 5.0 and AI News, Foreign Crime in Japan, and follow up with a singer getting her first band together.


Tom @boringgaijin

Matt @MRBigelow

Some images from the Japanese Government about their “Society 5.0” Plan

Screenshot of ad sent to me on Facebook. What do they think I want? Do I want it? Maybe I do, but I would never wear such a thing.

Screenshot of ad sent to me on Facebook. What do they think I want? Do I want it? Maybe I do, but I would never wear such a thing.

Assembly, over.

Assembly, over.
